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Dao In Lung Shen Yoga

Dao In Lung Shen Yoga
Level: All

Dao In translates as "cultivating the chi", Lung Shen as "dragon spirit" and Yoga as "union". Dao in Lung Shen Yoga is a system that evolved around 1650 A.D. through the meeting of Chinese Qigong masters and Indian Kundalini masters. As with all forms of yoga, the rewards are many, including increased flexibility, strength, grace, endurance, as well as heightened physical well-being. It has been practiced by Daoist mystics to heal illness, process stress, and slow the aging process and is suitable to all students. 

Bring a yoga mat or blanket for floor exercises.

Facilitator: Michael Stanley G
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: : 8:00pm to 9:30pm
Place: HEAT Center
Capacity: 10 bodies
Cost: $5 donation suggested

For more information, contact Michael by messaging his Facebook page.

Later Event: March 17
West African Drumming